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  • 346 » Famous Q Quotes about

    Psychiatry is the care of the id by the odd.

    Quotations by unknown authors ]

    2009/08/02 03:30 - Sunday » famous quotes and quotations of famous people

  • 347 » Famous Q Quotes about

    Psychoanalysis is that mental illnes for which it regards itself a therapy.

    [Karl Kraus
    Austrian author and journalist (1874 - 1936)]

    2009/08/02 03:30 - Sunday » famous quotes and quotations of famous people

  • 348 » Famous Q Quotes about

    A critic is a man who knows the way but can't drive the car.

    [Kenneth Tynan

    2009/08/02 03:30 - Sunday » famous quotes and quotations of famous people

  • 349 » Famous Q Quotes about

    No statue has ever been put up to a critic.

    [Jean Sibelius
    Finnish composer & patriot (1865 - 1957)]

    2009/08/02 03:30 - Sunday » famous quotes and quotations of famous people

  • 350 » Famous Q Quotes about

    Asking a working writer what he thinks about critics is like asking a lamp-post how it feels about dogs.

    [Christopher Hampton

    2009/08/02 03:30 - Sunday » famous quotes and quotations of famous people

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